Korea-Peru strengthen cooperation in response to climate change… Reconfirmation of NDC implementation promise
Agreement on accelerating low-carbon transition in energy, industry, transportation, and agriculture
- Reporter nameKim Seung-hwan, Mobile Reporter Reporter
- Entered 2024.06.10 19:56
[Mobile Reporter Kim Seung-hwan] Korea and Peru have decided to strengthen cooperation to respond to climate change.
According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, on the 9th, Minister Cho Tae-yeol signed an ‘Agreement for Climate Change Cooperation between the Republic of Korea and the Republic of Peru’ with Peruvian Foreign Minister Javier Gonzalez-Olaechea, who visited Korea to attend the ‘2024 Korea-Latin America Future Cooperation Forum’.

Recognizing that the serious impacts of climate change will worsen in the future, both Ministers emphasized the need to urgently strengthen climate action over the next 10 years, which is a critical period for response.
In addition, they reaffirmed their commitment to implement both countries’ greenhouse gas reduction goals (NDC) to achieve the Paris Agreement’s goal of keeping the global temperature rise within 1.5 degrees Celsius.
This agreement aims to lay the foundation for strengthening comprehensive cooperation between the two countries in responding to climate change, strengthening both countries’ greenhouse gas reduction and climate change adaptation capabilities, and supporting the transition to a sustainable, low-carbon and resilient economy. .
Based on this agreement, the two countries promised to strengthen practical cooperation on climate change, including ▲accelerating low-carbon transition in fields such as energy, industry, transportation, and agriculture, ▲exchange of climate-related policies and technologies, and ▲capacity building activities.
In addition, by laying an important foundation for the implementation of the international greenhouse gas reduction project under Article 6.2 of the Paris Agreement, it is expected to contribute to achieving the greenhouse gas reduction goals (NDC) of both countries and strengthening responses to the global climate crisis.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs said, “With the signing of this agreement, the two countries are assessed to have taken an important step toward the common goal of responding to climate change.”
Kim Seung-hwan, Mobile Reporter Reporters