Rep. Lee Hye-won discusses the Gyeonggi Province Sports Promotion Contest with the Yangpyeong County Sports Council
- Reporter nameReporter Kim Sang-il
- Entered 2024.07.10 18:34
[Reporter Kim Sang-il] Gyeonggi Provincial Council member Lee Hye-won (People Power, Yangpyeong 2) held a meeting with Yangpyeong County Sports Council officials at the Yangpyeong Counseling Center on the 10th to discuss the 2nd Gyeonggi Province Sports Promotion Contest in 2024.
The ‘Gyeonggi-do Sports Promotion Contest Project’ is a project that provides subsidies to 31 city and county sports association member organizations in Gyeonggi-do to hold sports events and contributes to the healthy use of leisure time and physical fitness improvement by local residents.

At the meeting on this day, an official from the Yangpyeong-gun Sports Council said, “We are preparing a contest for projects to revitalize social sports and daily sports that are responsible for the health of Yangpyeong-gun residents, including the elderly and youth, and support for various competitions and sports events. “In this regard, we ask for your interest and support,” he said.
In response, Rep. Lee Hye-won said, “We will actively seek support measures and continue to watch with interest until the contest project prepared by the Yangpyeong County Sports Council is selected. In addition, he said, “Let’s work together with the Yangpyeong-gun Office and the Yangpyeong-gun Sports Association so that competitions that are helpful for the development of Yangpyeong-gun sports can be held in Yangpyeong-gun among various sports competitions in the province supported by city-county sports associations and provincial sports organizations in Gyeonggi-do.”
Reporter Kim Sang-il ipneews@naver.con
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