Eumseong-gun conducts public data and personal information protection promotion campaign at Pumba Festival Hall
“Leading in data administration”
- Reporter nameNam Nan-woo, Mobile Reporter Reporter
- Entered 2024.05.23 17:07

[Reporter Nam Nan-woo, Mobile Reporter] Eumseong-gun Public Relations Office (Director Kang Yeon-soo) conducted a public data and personal information protection publicity campaign in the area of Seolseong Park in Eumseong-eup during the Pumba Festival period (22nd to 26th).
In this campaign, ‘Public Data Portal (’, an integrated window for public sector data, was introduced to county residents and promotional materials produced to raise awareness of public data were distributed.
In addition, in order to protect personal information in daily life, △Check whether photos and videos to be uploaded to SNS contain personal information △Never open links contained in texts, emails, or SNS messages from unknown sources △Public PCs, public ‘Personal information protection life rules’ were also promoted, such as not using financial services when using Wi-Fi and changing passwords periodically.
Public Relations Director Kang Yeon-soo said, “We will actively strive to open data to support the spread and use of public data available to citizens, and will also do our best to protect citizens’ personal information through continuous education and promotion to improve the level of personal information. “He said.
Meanwhile, public data refers to public information (data) created by public institutions. Anyone can freely use public data that each institution can open to the public by registering it on the portal.
Eumseong-gun received an ‘Excellent’ rating for five consecutive years in the 2023 ‘Public Data Provision Operation Status Evaluation’ conducted by the Ministry of the Interior and Safety, and the county’s representative public data includes the status of companies moving into industrial complexes, factory registration status, and lodging establishment status. there is.Nam Nan-woo, Mobile Reporter