Sejong Special Self-Governing City
Sejong Mayor Choi Min-ho, making last-minute efforts to establish Sejong District Court
On the 28th, a meeting with People Power Party floor leader Choo Kyung-ho and Legislation and Judiciary Committee Chairman Kim Do-eup
- Reporter nameNam Nan-woo, Mobile Reporter Reporter
- Entered 2024.05.28 13:46
[Mobile Reporter Nam Nan-woo] Sejong Special Self-Governing City Mayor Choi Min-ho visited the National Assembly on the 28th to request active cooperation in establishing the Sejong District Court.
On this day, Mayor Choi met with People Power Party Floor Leader Choo Kyung-ho and Legislation and Judiciary Committee Chairman Kim Do-eup in order to process the amendment to the Sejong District Court Establishment Act within the term of the 21st National Assembly.

They left open the possibility of holding a plenary session of the Legislation and Judiciary Committee and a plenary session until the 29th, when the term of office of the 21st National Assembly expires, and requested support from the ruling party.
The amendment to the Sejong District Court Establishment Act passed the 1st Subcommittee for Bill Review on the 7th and is about to be voted on by the Legislation and Judiciary Committee plenary session and plenary session, but whether or not the meeting will be held and the schedule have not been decided due to various pending issues.
In two meetings on this day, Mayor Choi Min-ho requested that the Legislation and Judiciary Committee hold a plenary meeting and submit the amendment to the Sejong District Court Establishment Act as an agenda item.

Mayor Choi said, “The establishment of the Sejong District Court is a long-awaited project of citizens,” and emphasized, “As the amendment was passed by the bill review subcommittee through difficult agreement between the ruling and opposition parties on the 7th, please support it until the end.”
In response to this, Choo Kyung-ho, floor leader of the People Power Party, said, “There is no change in my opinion that the amendment to the Sejong District Court Establishment Act, which passed the subcommittee by agreement between the ruling and opposition parties, should be passed in the 21st National Assembly,” adding, “As I am well aware of Mayor Choi Min-ho’s efforts so far,” he said. “We will provide active support at the ruling party level,” he promised.

Kim Do-eup, Chairman of the Legislation and Judiciary Committee, expressed regret that the ruling and opposition parties could not reach an agreement on holding a plenary meeting of the Legislation and Judiciary Committee due to various pending issues.
Chairman Kim of the Legislation and Judiciary Committee said, “Even if the amendment to the Sejong District Court Establishment Act is not passed in the 21st National Assembly, I will take care to ensure that it is passed as a top priority in the 22nd National Assembly.” He added, “I will convey the contents to the successor chairman of the Legislation and Judiciary Committee.” said.
Meanwhile, Mayor Choi Min-ho met with Subcommittee Chairman So Byeong-cheol on the 10th to urge the establishment of the Sejong District Court and made a suggestion, and on the 23rd, he met with Jeong Jeong-sik, Chairman of the People Power Policy Committee to request support, and took extensive action to pass the amendment to the Court Establishment Act.
Nam Nan-woo, Mobile Reporter Reporternamwoo97@hanmail.net