Gwangmyeong City holds ‘74th Anniversary Korean War Commemoration Event’
- Reporter nameReporter Kim Chun-nyeon
- Entered 2024.06.25 10:10

[Reporter Kim Chun-nyeon] On the 25th, Gwangmyeong City held the ’74th Anniversary Korean War Commemoration Event’ at the main performance hall of Gwangmyeong Citizen’s Center with the attendance of about 200 people, including people of national merit.
This commemorative event was held with the purpose of honoring the noble spirit of sacrifice of the heroes who sacrificed their lives for their country during the Korean War and recalling the will to protect freedom so that their sacrifices would not be in vain.
The event began with a pre-ceremony performance by the Gwangmyeong City Choir, followed by a national ceremony, a moment of silence for the patriotic martyrs and the patriotic spirits, awards for meritorious service to the country, awards of appreciation plaques, a cautionary message from the president of the Gwangmyeong City Korean War Veterans Association, a commemorative speech, and a chorus of the June 25 song.

Park Chang-geun, Chairman of the Korean War Veterans Association, expressed his gratitude, saying, “74 years have passed, but the dedication and sacrifice of the Korean War veterans should not be forgotten. Their hard work and sacrifice have become the foundation of today’s prosperous Republic of Korea.” reported.
Gwangmyeong City Vice Mayor Jeong Soon-wook said in a commemorative speech, “I would like to express my respect and gratitude to the Korean War veterans, fallen soldiers, police officers, and bereaved families, as well as other veterans members, for their patriotism and dedication.” He also added, “Citizens should collectively remember the patriotism and dedication of those who have served the country, and honor them.” Gwangmyeong City will work together to ensure that the culture of receiving veterans is established,” he said.

The city concluded the event and prepared a luncheon for the Korean War veterans and veterans members who attended, expressing gratitude for the sacrifice and dedication of the veterans.
Meanwhile, Gwangmyeong City pays a monthly veterans’ honorary allowance of 100,000 won to honor and support those who have served the country, and promotes cultural welfare projects for veterans groups, such as support for pilgrimages to battlefields, consolation events for patriotic heroes of the Korean War, and parties for veterans’ 80th and 90th birthdays. there is.
Reporter Kim Chun-nyeon
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